Monday, August 1, 2011

Peluncuran: iPLAN – Perlindungan yang Menyeluruh untuk Keluarga

Medan. PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia (Generali Indonesia) terus berupaya untuk menghasilkan inovasi demi memberikan berbagai solusi terbaik bagi para nasabah. Dan hari ini, Generali Indonesia meresmikan peluncuran produk iPLAN sebuah solusi inovatif dengan proteksi seumur hidup bagi kenyamanan “perjalanan finansial” keluarga yang dapat menghantarkan nasabah beserta keluarganya untuk mencapai tujuan masa depan dengan aman dan sesuai dengan rencana.
iPLAN merupakan produk asuransi jiwa berbalut investasi yang unik. Selain memberikan perlindungan jiwa yang lengkap bagi para nasabah dan keluarganya, iPLAN diperkuat dengan terobosan fitur-fitur investasi yang inovatif; Auto-Trading Plan, Auto Re-Entry, dan Auto-Balancing yang melindungi perjalanan finasial para nasabah serta memudahkan pegelolaan risiko investasi, sekaligus menikmati keuntungan maksimal dari pasar. iPLAN dengan fitur investasinya, memberikan kebebasan bagi para nasabah dalam menentukan batas profit-taking, cut loss serta memonitor porsi investasinya agar tetap sesuai dengan batas toleransi yang dimiliki masing-masing.

Sumber : Generali Indonesia, 29 Juli 2011

Peresmian Generali Center Medan

Medan. Generali Indonesia memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk memberikan layanan yang terbaik bagi rekan bisnis dan nasabahnya. Salah satunya melalui rangkaian acara peluncuran produk yang diawali dengan peresmian dibukanya Generali Center di Medan oleh Chief Executive Officer PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia, Edy Tuhirman. Peresmian yang dilakukan oleh Edy Tuhirman (CEO Generali Indonesia), Petrus Tatipatta (Chief Operations Officer Generali Indonesia) dan Wianto Chen (Sales Director / Chief Agency Officer Generali Indonesia) ditandai dengan pengguntingan pita di kantor cabang pertama Generali Indonesia di Medan.

“Kami akan terus menghadirkan pelayanan yang terbaik dan dengan cabang baru ini, kami ingin mengoptimalkan pelayanan kami bagi nasabah dan rekan bisnis khususnya di wilayah utara Sumatera ini,” ujar Edy Tuhirman. Medan merupakan cabang pertama di luar Kantor Pusat di Jakarta. Sekarang, Generali Center Medan memiliki sejumlah agen yang berdedikasi untuk melayani para nasabah di wilayah Medan dan sekitarnya.
Terhitung dari tanggal peresmian tersebut, 23 Juli 2011, Generali Center Medan siap beroperasi untuk melayani para nasabah di Medan, Sumatra Utara.

Sumber : Generali Indonesia, 29 Juli 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Family Gathering

Keluarga, sebagai bagian terpenting yang tidak terlepaskan dari perjalanan dan pertumbuhan Generali Indonesia patut juga di berikan apresiasi. Masih merupakan bagian dari Generali # 1 - "One Trillion, One Unity, One Big Family”, Generali Indonesia mengundang seluruh karyawan beserta keluarga dengan tujuan untuk saling mengenal sesama keluarga dan melepaskan lelah di area yang bernuansa penuh keceriaan. Acara tersebut dilaksanakan di Waterbom, Jakarta (22/1).
Seluruh karyawan dan keluarga terlihat sangat bersemangat dan menikmati rangkaian acara tersebut.  Termasuk juga di dalamnya adalah Seminar Parenting yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pendidikan pembinaan keluarga yang kebanyakan merupakan keluarga muda; serta Team Building untuk lebih mengakrabkan dan meningkatkan kebersamaan antar karyawan. Salah satu point acara dalam kegiatan tersebut adalah Take Off procession – yang melambangkan stage Generali Indonesia sudah memasuki masa tinggal landas dalam memasuki tahun ke-3 (tiga) berdirinya di Indonesia. Tentunya dengan semangat yang lebih besar dan harapan untuk dapat lebih maju dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Sumber : Generali Indonesia, Sabtu 22 Januari 2011

Team Building 2010

Sebagai bagian dari program pengembangan karyawan pada tanggal 10  - 12 Desember 2010, Generali Indonesia menyelenggarakan Generali #1 – “One Trillion, One Unity, One Big Family”,  yang berupa serangkaian kegiatan yang terdiri dari Serial Kegiatan yang terdiri dari: Motivational, Team Building melalui outbound activities, yang dilaksanakan di Tea Garden Resort, Subang, Jawa Barat – 3 jam dari Jakarta.
Tujuan dari diadakannya serangkaian acara tersebut adalah selain untuk meningkatkan motivasi karyawan untuk pencapaian target besar di 2011 juga untuk meningkatkan harmoni kerja antar karyawan serta mempererat rasa kekeluargaan. Sebagian besar karyawan juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merefresh pikiran dan tubuh setelah terus-menerus disibukkan dengan tugas di kantor. Hal tersebut juga didukung oleh suasana resort yang berada di kaki gunung dan dikelilingi oleh perkebunan teh sebagai area pelaksanaan event.
Pada kesempatan ini, Judith Eberl – Learning & Development Consultant for Generali Asia juga ikut ambil bagian pada event tersebut, serta ikut larut dan merasakan keceriaan dan kehangatan sebagai bagian dari Generali Indonesia.

Sumber : Generali Indonesia, Minggu 12 Desember 2010

Amber Light For Jean-Louis Etienne A Possible Monday Start

Jean Louis Etienne (Photo by Francis Latreille Generali)

After arriving a week ago in Spitsbergen, the Generali Arctic Observer team has been hard at work preparing Jean-Louis Etienne’s balloon in record time. This evening, the balloonist will sleep for the first time aboard his gondola and will be testing all the onboard equipment. According to the expedition’s weather expert, a favourable weather window looks like offering him an opportunity to take off on Easter Monday.

Longyearbyen, 2nd April 2010: The preparations are accelerating for Jean-Louis Etienne’s team. Initially, he was to go on stand-by on Thursday 8th April.  But according to the team’s weather expert, there is a good weather window coming up on Monday 5th April. “Everything is ready and we’re waiting for the green light, explained Jean-Louis Etienne. For the time being, we’ve moved to amber, but if it goes green, we need to seize this opportunity.  It is fairly rare to get a favourable weather window. However, we need to be patient. There are two important conditions required for the flight. On the one hand, the conditions high up need to be favourable to allow us to head northwards. And then, secondly, they need to be favourable on he ground, in order to inflate the balloon, there must not be too much wind. For the moment it’s looking good at high altitude, but not on the ground. So we’re watching to see what happens.”
Ready to take off…
Fortunately for Jean-Louis Etienne, his team has done a really good job to make sure everything is ready by Friday evening. “I am counting on a very strong team. I’ve been thinking about this for a year and a half now. All the little details that I thought about are falling into place. Watching all this happen in front of my eyes helps me relax. Ideally, everything will be ready by this evening and then tomorrow morning, after the test tonight, we’ll be able to see if everything is running smoothly.”
For the first time, Jean-Louis Etienne will be sleeping aboard his gondola to carry out a test under real conditions. “I’m going to spend the night on board to see how comfortable it is and to get to know my way around. I’ll be looking at how the heating works in relation to the size of the space. But the real goal of this test is above all to fit the sensors to be able to take magnetic and CO2 measurements, which will be done on the outside, and then checking to see whether all the data is relayed back. That just is not possible inside the shed where we are set up for the moment.”  Before that, they will have to weigh the gondola with everything in place to know the exact weight at take-off. “Tomorrow morning, if the data transmission goes well, we’ll be taking the gondola to the take-off area. All that remains to be done then is to fit the helium valve to the balloon.”
Reminder: Jean-Louis Etienne is preparing an attempt to carry out the first balloon flight over the North Pole, from Spitsbergen to Alaska. During his flight, he will be carrying out a number of scientific measurements (CO2, magnetic field, tropospheric ozone and suspended particles) in order to “take the planet’s pulse.”  The measurements carried out by Jean-Louis Etienne should allow the scientific community to understand more aboutclimate change by analysing real time data, which is rare or non-existent from these regions, using modelling systems.

Sumber : Challeng and Adventure, Jumat, 2 April 2010

Jean-Louis Etienne Takes Off For The Arctic By Balloon

Generali Taking Off From Spitsbergen (Photo by Francis Latreille)

Jean-Louis Etienne took off at 06.10 hrs this morning (Monday) from Longyearbyen, in Spitsbergen aboard Generali Arctic Observer to carry out the first crossing of the North Pole by balloon.  This flight represents the third part of his Arctic trilogy, which began on foot, then by boat, before he took to the air. With the support of Zinedine Zidane, the expedition’s godfather, Jean-Louis Etienne took off this morning on a 3500 km voyage to Alaska via the North Pole.
Longyearbyen, 5th April 2010: Luc Trullemans, the expedition’s weather expert got it right. The weather window appeared on Sunday night, allowing the Generali Arctic Observer team to inflate the huge rozière balloon (which uses a mixture of hot air and helium). The operation lasted more than five hours during the night as everything was set up, attached and the 2000 m3  canopy inflated. Taking advantage of ideal weather conditions, the team move the take-off forward, as it was originally planned for eight this morning. “The weather window arrived a few hours early and so everything was a bit of a rush at the end,” declared Jean-Louis Etienne when he reached the take-off area. “It all happened rather quickly. They called me telling me to come as we were going to take off.  I’m feeling quite relaxed. It will start to be enjoyable, once I’m a few metres up.”
Jean-Louis Etienne, his team and a few observers, who were present for the lift-off marking the start of this big adventure, had to wait around for an hour, while the final adjustments were being made concerning the flight. Like a dog straining at the leash, the balloon scraped the snow with impatience, as it was just held back by two attaching ropes and a few people had to grab hold to stop it from taking off. In this polar night, where the sun does not go down, with the sun’s rays striking the mountains, Zinédine Zidane enjoyed the fairy-tale sight of this balloon filling up and waiting to be released. “I feel really excited and am pleased to be at his side, as we talked a lot about this”, declared the ex-footballer. “Today is the big day for Jean-Louis. He’s been preparing this for a year and a half.”
When Jean-Louis Etienne’s team released the gondola and cut the last rope holding the balloon down, in a tick the emotion filled the crowd, who were amazed by the sight of this balloon suddenly taking off. A few minutes later, contacted on the VHF, Jean-Louis Etienne admitted that it was thrilling and enjoyable: « It wasn’t just a little bit of excitement, but a huge emotion that I felt at the start. It was an extraordinary moment. A highly charged moment. And gradually it turned to a scene of magnificent beauty. Now calm has returned. I’m gradually lifting up over Longyearbyen. It’s truly magical. I’m starting to see the outline of the mountains. There’s a landscape ahead of me with mountains and water. There is total peace.  It’s really magnificent and exactly how I imagined it.”

Jean Louis Etienne Onboard Generali (Photo by Francis Latreille)

Before passing over the Spitsbergen mountains, Jean-Louis Etienne will be setting up the detectors, which will enable him to take various scientific measurements throughout the voyage to measure CO2, the magnetic field, the suspended particles and the tropospheric ozone. This first solo crossing of the North Pole by balloon is due to last between seven and ten days.

Sumber : Challenge and Adventure Senin, 5 April 2010

Generali Indonesia kembangkan distribusi pemasaran keagenan

JAKARTA. Di 2011 mendatang, PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia bakal
mengembangkan jalur distribusi pemasaran keagenan. Tak tanggung-tanggung,
Generali Indonesia akan menjaring 500 tenaga agen sekaligus untuk melego
produk asuransi jiwa perusahaan yang baru beroperasi di Tanah Air selama dua
tahun belakangan tersebut.
Chief Executive Officer Generali Indonesia Edy Tuhirman mengatakan, dalam
mengepakkan sayap bisnisnya, pihaknya tidak hanya melakukan pengembangan
produk yang inovatif, tetapi juga menebar jejaring dengan berbagai jalur distribusi
“Saat ini, produk asuransi Generali Indonesia masih mengandalkan bancassurance
dan employee benefit, tahun depan kami akan menjajal jalur distribusi pemasaran
lainnya, yakni keagenan, dan direct marketing melalui internet” ujarnya kepada
KONTAN, kemarin (21/12).
Agen-agen ini nantinya bakal disebar ke seluruh wilayah pemasaran Generali
di Indonesia. Namun, sebagai langkal awal, agen-agen tersebut hanya akan
berjualan di wilayah Jakarta.
“Awalnya, kami hanya akan merekrut 500 tenaga agen. Ke depan, jika berhasil
memberi kontribusi nyata, kami tak segan-segan untuk terus mengembangkan
jalur pemasaran keagenan dengan menambah tenaga agen,” terang Edy.
Sekadar informasi, penjualan produk melalui bancassurance dan employee
benefit menyumbang masing-masing 50% dari total perolehan premi
perusahaan. Rencananya, komposisi ini bakal bergeser di tahun depan menjadi
30% melalui employee benefit dan 70% melalui bancassurance.
Dua produk yang dilego melalui bancassurance yakni, iDare dan UBPro.
Dua produk tersebut merupakan unit linked, produk berbalut proteksi dengan
investasi dengan mekanisme pembayaran premi tunggal. Sedangkan, produk
-produk asuransi jiwa lainnya dipasarkan lewat employee benefit.

Sumber : Kontan Online, Rabu 22 Desember 2010